General Queries

  • How can I place an order at Meli Green Farm's website?
    You can call hotline : 0793 869 968 / 0918 869 968 (Ms Trang - CEO)
  • What are the products Meli Green Farm is producing and trading?
    We produce hydropotic aquatic vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, cabbage, cabbage, spinach.
  • How to store fruit and vegetable products at Meli Green Farm?
    We harvest fruits and vegetables early in the morning every day and select, prune quality fresh vegetables and pack them in the afternoon, then the system transports trucks and delivery trucks to customers.
  • How long will it take to receive the order at Meli Green Farm?
    We receive orders before 9am every day from agents, then will check and compare and respond to orders, the booking time is within 24h - 48h depending on the shipping address.
  • How do I register as a distribution agent of Meli Green Farm?
    We are very happy to welcome you to join a distribution agent, how to register is very fast, just need you to leave your phone number, email, staff we will contact to discuss specifically with you?
  • What is the product warranty policy as well as product return?
    Please receive the goods and check and compare with the order, if the product shows signs of damage and does not meet the prescribed quality, we will immediately exchange the new product for you, if the product has been thoroughly checked and not damaged, you are not allowed to return the product when ordered.
  • What are the risks of safe hydroponic vegetable production process?
    Agricultural production depends quite a lot on weather, climate changes, pests and diseases, nutrition, fertilizer regime, although applying hydroponic vegetable production processes according to the most modern technology today, sometimes the product will be affected relatively little.
  • What does the name Meli Green Farm mean?
    The name Meli is abbreviated from the place of Me Linh where the farm was formed, green farm because we basically produce green vegetables, so green is the main color of the logo and green farm also implies that the product is always green and lush all year round.

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